Dancing Dragon

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dance studios in NYC

Here is the link that you can access to the info of dance studios in NYC. Click!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Optimal experience through arts

'Optimal experience' is not my word. It was explained by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (never pronounce correctly.. :-) ) with the concept of flow, "the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it."

As Mihaly already pointed out that his finding about the state of optimal experience that was based on the ESM (Experience Sampling Method) was quite similar to the zen practice. Fully enjoying what we are doing at the moment and be aware of what is happening around us.... It is like when my mind and body are harmonized and nothing separates between me and the universe....

I feel lucky that I am a dancer and I am able to experience 'flow' through dance. When I'm fully engaged what I am doing in space and time, I just becoming myself. My full energy is reshaped into the form of movement in space... and I communicate with myself, others and the world. I have been involved in the collaborative projects where improvisation is crucial. I really enjoy the improvisation because I can feel the moment, fully engage in what I am doing, and feel the dynamic energy around me. I don't need to too much worry about the steps as I used to do. Just let me be flexible and open my six senses to the world.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Dynamic stress in space

Dynamosphere - is one of Laban's concepts that explains how inner motivation of human body creates outer space. In order words, how the dynamic potential leads to space? It is as if your intention makes you move to that direction instead of the fact that the spatial pull leads you to that direction.

Today, I was observing students in the class where I was assisting. They were exploring different Effort factors that Laban talked about. The students were transforming between Weight, Space and Time factors, flowing in and out of the neutral Flow. It was fascinating for me to observe their responses to their breathe rhythm which eventually created the dynamic in space! I of course did not know exactly how each student responded to the self but certainly experienced their intensity to the self and the overall energy that the individuals brought to outer space.

It was so great to see how the sensation of breathe linked to flow in body and how the flow of individual body - holistically integrated body and mind - created positive energy into space and time.