Dancing Dragon

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Free, Free, Free!!!

hile I am working on my assignments and projects, I am amazed by the fact there are great images, music and texts that I can just upload or download into my computer. At first I was worried if it is illegal to use some images from web; now I use them so freely. I don't need to buy postcards, photograph, CDs....I can get things for nothing! Also, if I need a software such as Photoshop elements, i-tunes, Gif animator, or Audacity, then I can simply download it free!! (I'm sure there are a lot of free softwares) Some are totally free while others have limitation of use such as Photoshop elements. I think this is such an opportunity as well as a potential problem in our technological society. I feel there is an ambiguous boundary between illegality and freedom of search in the web. Well, it really depends on how we interpret them, in my opinion.

Anyhow, I am so indulging myself to use materials freely and free. However, there is a saying in Korea,"if you too much like to have things free, you will become baldheaded!!!" :-)


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