My vision is to create a harmonious balance in and through dance education. My strong belief is everything is relative: everything can be seen dependent on contexts. Like a Mobius strip, dance and education cannot be separated, rather they live together in a dynamic balance: education through dance, and dance through education. My interest has been to look at relationships in teaching and learning: how students are involved in the materials, and how the faculty members make contribution to interactive classes. Also what would be the effective elements for students to be actively engaged in materials? For me, process is as important as product, since “what” happens is the sum of “how it happens.” I believe the teaching and learning is the whole-part-whole relationships of all members involved in teaching and learning.
A question may go what I mean by harmonious relationships. I think harmonious relationships as dynamic, growing and ever-changing process mainly between two different qualities, like yin-yang, the eastern philosophy. Sometimes we hold tension in class or we may encounter something we have never expected. I think in order to feel the sense of harmony one should experience the opposite quality as if we need to know what the sadness is in order to feel what the happiness is. Along with the yin-yang philosophy, another powerful philosophical influence in my life is to become acquainted with Laban’s studies. My experiences in movement studies and dance studies related to Laban’s theories have made me think our life as the whole-part relationships through interactive process which inspired my vision that emphasizes the harmonious balance in and through dance education.
My ultimate dream is every person thinks that dance is not so remote from our life but dance is part of life experiences. In order to integrate life experiences with dance, I think dance should be considered as a core subject in education. If someone experiences dance from his/her early age of his/her life, then dance would be familiar to him/her and therefore, he/she could take dance as part of his or her life. Throughout my past knowledge, the most attractive educational model for me has been
Smith-Autard’s midway Model. I appreciate her vision of Artistic, Aesthetic, and Cultural Education through dance with strands of Creating, Performing and Appreciating. In my opinion, the role of dance education should provide students with artistic, aesthetic, and cultural experiences through the dynamic process in teaching and learning.